
The network of Lasallian communities and schools has the mission of integrally forming, generating pertinent educational knowledge, learning in community, announcing the Gospel and contributing to the consolidation of a peaceful, just, inclusive and democratic society that promotes integral and sustainable human development.


In the year 2024 we will be recognized by:

∙ Being communities that reflect, recreate and pray for the processes of the educational institutions that they animate.
∙ Being a network of communities and educational works committed to the consolidation of a peaceful, just, inclusive and democratic society that promotes integral and sustainable human development.
∙ Preferentially opting for the poor, especially for children and youth.
∙ Announcing the gospel in educational contexts.
∙ Being references of integral training of excellence.
∙ Generating relevant knowledge that transforms educational and social processes.


The educational institutions of the Lasallian District of Bogotá are committed to comprehensive education, complying with the requirements and the continuous improvement of their processes, to contribute to the consolidation of a peaceful society.


The history of our Brother Miguel LaSalle Lyceum does not necessarily begin in 1967, but it goes back to February 18, 1934, when the Apostolic Nuncio of Colombia solemnly blessed the new work of LaSalle Institute (now LaSalle University Headquarters) from the city of Bogotá, which started as a free school in Los Alcázares neighborhood, with the name of San León, in honor to Brother Bladelin León, at that time provincial visitor, pleasantly remembered for his book Los Hermanos en Colombia (1950), work that relates the arrival in the country of the first LaSalle Brothers and the consolidation of the first educational works.
Continuing with the origin of the School, this work, located in Finca San León, was of great importance for the urbanization process of this area of the city, located in what is now known as Los Alcázares, Siete de Agosto neighborhoods. and Quinta Mutis, with an extension of 13 hanegadas. In this space, LaSalle Stadium stood out, where outdoor and table sports were practiced (Rafael, 1965: 136); These facilities were essential to strengthen basketball, a sport brought to the country by the Brothers of LaSalle years ago.

By 1949, LaSalle Lyceum considered necessary to sell the lands where San Leon School was, since it had acquired 25 bushels of land in La Floresta (Colegio de La Salle del Norte), where they had a vast space for academic, sports, scientific and social. At the same time, at the suggestion of Br. visitor Alfonso Juan, a beautiful lot was acquired in San Miguel neighborhood, where a building for the School would be built.

The process of purchasing the land where Lhemi is located today, was carried out under the initiative of Br. Miguel Granada, principal in 1949, and with the blessing of Br. Alfonso Juan, provincial visitor. These properties, which had previously been owned by San Juan de Dios Hospital and were part of the Asylum of San José for homeless children (Deed number 5377 of the Notary-Fourth of Bogotá), were purchased by the Brothers of the Christian Schools on October 15. of 1949, in the fourth Notary of Bogota, and were registered on July 15, 1950. The deal was sealed by the Congregation of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and the Charity of Cundinamarca, for a price of $ 129,664.49, as well it is indicated by the writing.

The physical plant of the new school had (and still has) a plot of 130.07 meters to the north, which previously belonged to the Colombian Institute of Social Security, 132.64 meters to the south, 154.23 meters to the East, with land of the Urbanization San Miguel, and 173.24 meters by the West, with Hacienda El Salitre, for a total extension of 33,247.30 square meters. In this first moment, many of the buildings that we know today did not exist within the lyceum, such as the administration and the theater, which were built with the help of the educational community and from campaigns carried out for the adaptation and provision of pedagogical elements.

By 1952, Br. Domingo Jorge, assumed the direction and in 1953 moved San Leon School to San Miguel neighborhood, a situation that laid the foundations for the consolidation of the Brother Miguel School, in commemoration of the then Servant of God brother Miguel Febres Cordero, an Ecuadorian religious who dedicated his life to the education and education of children and young people. It should be noted that, in 1977, Brother Miguel was beatified and in 1984, canonized.

For the arrival of Brother Guillermo Néstor in 1960, there were 10 elementary courses, three constant LaSalle brothers and lay teachers paid by the Secretary of Education of Bogotá and the Government of Cundinamarca. Between 1961 and 1966, the principal took over. Donato Matías, who, with his love for the arts and lithography, undertook the elaboration of the summaries of the textbooks and, with the company of a mimeograph, made the copies for the students, a task that was supported by Br. Lubín Cardona, lover of painting and manual arts. At this very moment, the construction of the theater began, scenario that would include "an auditorium that serves as a chapel, conference room and acts of different kinds on its second floor (second floor) with exposed brick walls and facades "(Avalúos Salazar Giraldo y Asociados, 1976, p.3).

Lasallian’s style response

When the Brother Miguel School grew and the number of students, with the support and interest of parents and ex-students, in 1967, with the direction of Br. Antonio Félix, faced with the need to continue training children and young people from the popular sectors of the western part of the city, founded the Brother Miguel Lyceum, which in 1968 began to educate children in secondary school, beginning the sixth grade. For this reason, Br. Campo Elías González, in 1970, applied to the Bogota City Hall for the operating license, which was granted for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of the baccalaureate, according to Resolution No. 459 of June 25 of 1970, signed by the then mayor Emilio Urrea Delgado.

In 1968, Br. Antonio Felix opened the scholasticate in Lhemi and the brothers began to live in the school, specifically on the second floor of the eastern block on the north side, which established a more solid closeness between the directors of the institution, the community and the revitalization of the play. Even so, the theological fashion pointed out that it was not good for the brothers to live in the workplace, so, in 1975, they moved to a house located a few blocks from the high school, in which they currently live.

The consolidation of pleasant and useful physical spaces in the pedagogical work was imposed as an imperative that increased the capacity of students, at the same time that it involved the community and disinterested work of students, alumni and parents. In 1969, the library was built under the theater, along with some laboratories and the track around the soccer field, under the leadership of Br. Gabriel Mondragón.

Already with the direction and rectory of Br. Carlos Manuel Pinto Rojas, by 1970, the community was made up of six brothers, "[...] 12 official teachers for primary and 11 secondary teachers, payments for the school; It is the first year where the week is celebrated in honor of the founding saint on May 15, with the name of Lasallian Olympics "(Brother Miguel Lyceum, 1970). It is important to mention that Br. Carlos designed with his group of collaborators the shield that currently represents the institution.

The beginning of the Brother Miguel Lyceum was complex and the operating licenses had to be requested year by year to gain access to the next grade. Therefore, in Resolution no. º 613 of 1971 was granted the extension of license for the fourth grade of baccalaureate, under the direction of Br. Carlos Manuel Pinto Rojas; and on October 13, 1972, it was issued by Mayor Carlos Albán Holguín, Resolution no. º 1403, for the functioning of the fifth year of baccalaureate.

With the process of strengthening and growth of the lyceum, in 1972, a monument was erected to the Lord of LaSalle, an event attended by high personalities and former directors and principals of the educational centers; that same day, San Juan Bautista of LaSalle library was inaugurated.

Finally, with Resolution no. º 00488 of May 18, 1973, through the management and work of Br. Julio Abraham Martín Novoa, and with Resolution no. No. 6873 of July 17, 1973, by Br. Gabriel Mondragón, it was able to receive the operating license for the sixth grade of baccalaureate and could give grade to the first generation of high school graduates. In 1977, Br. José Patarroyo Roa intensified the academic work and advanced a financial study of the high school that contributed to the planning and economic organization in terms of hiring, administration and planning of expenses. He also adapted a drawing room with fifty tables, equipped the school with 35 typing machines, started the book collection for the library, adapted the sports fields and installed the electricity in the classrooms. In that same year, the educational community already had 8 LaSalle brothers, 26 highly qualified teachers and 1,179 students, divided into 17 courses of day school, 8 primary and 4 night high school. With the guidance of Br. Patarroyo, the secondary school had its classes at a time of 7:00 a. m. at 1:30 p.m. m., the primary operated from 2:00 p. m. at 5:45 p.m. m. and the additional day at night. Between 1977 and 1979 Br. Alberto Prada San Miguel assumed the rectory, in whom he relapsed the task of consolidating the first educational project of the high school, from a social characterization, the strengthening of a preferential option for the poor and the regulation of tuition and pension rates for students.

The 80s, a decade of hard work

This period meant the consolidation of the Lyceum as a dedicated, organized institution with a great academic, pastoral and social projection. According to the PEI of 1979, the "gradual formation and integral promotion of the young person was sought so that within the social environment in which he lives, he is agent of full development for himself, and that of his community" (Brother Miguel LaSalle Lyceum, 1979, p.2). To carry it out, Br. Leonidas Perdomo Motta, who took over the rectory in 1980, updated the curriculum, responding to the needs and problems of the time, which is why he always preferred activities oriented to research and personal expression on teaching.

From 1981 to 1983, Br. Antonio Bedoya Cardona assumed the rectory. At this point, the institution was a middle class school, with approximately 1,300 students, in the two days (primary and baccalaureate) and 250 in the evening (four baccalaureate courses). During the administration of hno. Bedoya highlights the pastoral dynamics in the celebrations of Pentecost and First Communions, in addition to the cultural training excursions. Within its curriculum, the basic areas and the incursion of subjects such as mercantile calculation, office techniques, typing and handicrafts for the vocational average stand out.

1982 was an unforgettable year, the Lasallian festivities had special solemnity at the end of 15 years of having a baccalaureate and having changed the administrative organization. Thanks to the support of the parents, the celebration of the teacher's day, the broadcast of the program "The Club of the Baby Chicks" in the school facilities, the march of the paper, the great Lasallian bazaar and, above all, the majestic gymnastic magazine that was held on Saturday, October 9 at the El Campin Covered Coliseum.

Similarly, taking into account Decree 3486 of 1981, the use of a newspaper uniform was implemented in the baccalaureate, which had already carried out elementary school since 1980, and for the first time, students from all over the school began to use the physical education uniform. At the infrastructure level, the physics laboratory, the chapel (now the auditorium) and the monument to the flags (Brother Miguel LaSalle Lyceum, 1992) were built.

Brother Isidoro Cruz Rodríguez was in charge of the school during the first semester of 1984. Under the slogan "Quality with warmth", he exchanged pedagogical experiences with other schools in LaSalle, established the payment of teachers by ladder and did not neglect the curriculum developed by their predecessors.

From the second semester until 1987 Bernardo Montes Urrea took over the rectory. He established four lines of work: the pastoral, the academic, the endowment and the locative improvement (Brother Miguel LaSalle Lyceum, 1992). To carry them out, he prepared a letter of organization in a circular manner whose objective was that the entire educational community be considered as he himself affirmed: important and fundamental.

His management highlights the addition to the curriculum of subjects of vocational media, such as integral biology, Bolivarian chair, Mutis chair, French, aesthetic education, behavior and health. The corresponding entities made the visit that approved the tenth and eleventh grades at night, proclaiming the first promotion of night bachelors in 1985. From pastoral, the youth group of the scouts, who were preparing on Saturday afternoons, lent their services of support in special events such as the bazaars and family days, the maintenance of gardens and ecological outings.

On October 21, 1984, the students of the last grade erected a bust in commemoration and tribute of gratitude to San Miguel Febres Cordero, because of his canonization, carried out by Pope John Paul II. That day a liturgical ceremony was held and Mrs. Mercedes Franco de Valles revealed for the first time the monument, which was covered with the institutional flag. Since then "Doña Mechitas", as she is affectionately known, is cataloged as "The godmother of Lhemi".

In 1986, Lhemi had 1,997 students divided into three days: 923 high school in the morning, 813 primary school in the afternoon and 261 in the mixed night. The considerable increase was due to the opening of five primary courses and the maximum use of the physical plant (Historical supplement, 1986). Taking into account that the parents in the General Assembly of 1986 expressed their disagreement about the physical education uniform "due to the white color, very dirty", they asked for the change, which was accepted and the new sweatshirt was used from 1987. At the level of infrastructure, in 1987, because of the 20 years of foundation of the baccalaureate, the construction of the first floor of the administration was completed, the school was equipped with 150 new desks for the students and the Association of Parents of Family built a small park for the recreation of elementary students. The theater was remodeled and equipped with a greater number of chairs (Historical supplement, 1987). It is also noted that, on the occasion of the anniversary, on May 15, 1987 the gala uniform for the baccalaureate was released.

Brother Pedro Alfonso Suescún Jaimes, who was rector between 1988 and 1989, extended the program of educational restructuring. With the start of the curricular renewal, it included subjects to the vocational average, such as industrial arts, school savings, urbanity and the Bolívar chair, the latter in the evening. The promotion of youth groups through pastoral activities such as catechesis, parent schools, and sponsor plan for elementary students, among others, was also highlighted.

Administratively he made multiple financial efforts to avoid an economic deficit due to lack of resources. To solve this situation, with the support of the Association of Parents of Family, several bazaars and bingos were realized. These were difficult moments that made the effort of the brothers of the community, teachers, students, parents and neighbors of San Miguel neighborhood more worthy to take Lhemi forward.

Education with discipline and vocation

From 1990 to 1992, Br. Fernando Granada Ramírez assumed the rectory, he introduced a spirit of order, discipline, academic improvement and financial stability. During his administration, Br. Fernando was also known for exalting teachers through recognitions and distinctions. He liked the spelling courses, the majestic religious celebrations and the follow-up of the processes of students with academic and coexistence difficulties. The updating and provisioning of the systems room was also highlighted, thanks to the collaboration of the parents.
From May 11 to 17, 1992, with the slogan "Educating for love, intelligence and freedom", 25 years of educational work and service to Bogota's youth were celebrated. The celebration highlights the sports championships, the singing competitions, the day of the teacher, the Eucharist and the great party of the Lyceum family, which was composed of three elements: dance, food and joy (Brother Miguel LaSalle Lyceum, 1992 ).

From 1993 to 1998, the rectory was in charge of Br. Ignacio Riveros. By then, Lhemi was a school of 1,500 students in the morning and afternoon and 1,000 at night. Taking into account educational strength and recognition at the local level, the costs of enrollment were readjusted, with the aim of making adjustments to the infrastructure and thus improving the academic and pastoral quality. As a result, the main goal was fixed and the legend of LaSalle was read; the small grotto of the Virgin Mary, which was also repaired; the bus system for school routes was organized, through the company Cootransintegrales, traffic management outside the school; in the theater, improvements in terms of sound, lights and windows; It also highlights the construction of a playful kiosk for the physical education area.

Facing the new millennium

From 1999 to 2001, Br. Mario Rafael Vergara assumed the reins of the institution, having as main responsibility to prepare the awakening of the new millennium. Based on an institutional self-evaluation, it restated and directed a new PEI that articulated the academic, social and organizational stages, focused on new needs, stories such as the quality management system, the strategic direction 2005-2015 (Brother Miguel LaSalle Lyceum, 2011 ) and the new dispositions of MEN.

It is important to mention that in 2001 the colors of the flag and the sweatshirt were modified, in order to incorporate the characteristic colors of LaSalle to the institutional symbols. The change was made solemnly, with the presence of all students on the soccer field.

In 1998, approximately, the idea of opening the kindergarten level in Lhemi was projected, since the first grade teachers manifested in several opportunities the difficulties that their students presented when they entered. Many of them had not been previously enrolled, which made it difficult and delayed to develop the necessary skills to begin their formative process, mainly those related to reading and writing.

In accordance with the above, in the head of Br. Mario Rafael Vergara, began the necessary studies for the implementation of the kindergarten level in Lhemi, in 2000. Thus, this new space was designed and began the construction of a new PEI, which established the curriculum of preschool, starting with Lasallian education, the quality management system and the strategic direction 2005-2015. For this, it was necessary to advise the MEN, the National Association of Preschool Education (ANDEP), the address of the town and the participation of teachers Rubiela Zuluaga, Esperanza Castro and Liliana Triviño, who were responsible of planning, developing and projecting the Lasallian education at this level.

From 2001 to 2003, Br. Manuel Cancelado Jiménez, graduated from the institution (1983), assumed the rectory. His leadership highlights the implementation of the methodology by projects, with a view of consolidating the positioning of the institution in the school environment, working extensively in the development of pedagogical innovations in the classroom (Brother Miguel Lyceum, 2011). Concerning the secondary education, it initiated the management of university agreements to facilitate the entrance of the students of 11th grade to the higher education, also emphasizes the hour intensity in what concerns the learning of the English.
At the infrastructure level, extensive renovations were carried out in the physical plant, the new library was built and, as a transcendental event, the chapel that is currently known was built, without doubt a very valuable contribution to the pastoral and coexistence of the institution.

From 2004 to 2008, Br. Felix Hernando Barreto Junca, also graduated from Lhemi in 1983, took over the rectory. He continued with the administrative and pedagogical development that his predecessors began, consolidating a new, fraternal and charismatic school, thanks to the solid relationship between parents, students and directors. He worked hard to develop extracurricular projects, by encouraging the participation of the school in events such as Expo-Sciences and the strengthening of sports schools, with the logistical support and spaces of Cafam family compensation fund.

The invaluable effort made by the brothers, teachers, administrative staff and general services over the years obtained one of his greatest recognitions by the obtaining of the "Award for educational excellence: prize for school management 2005". This recognition is "granted to those state and private institutions of preschool, elementary and middle school of the Capital District that demonstrate exemplary experiences in the construction and implementation of participatory management approaches oriented towards quality" (Colombia Aprende, 2006). This recognition is based on the implementation of the institutional strategic plan 2005-2015 proposed by Br. Mario Rafael Vergara at the beginning of 2000.

Obtaining the prize prompted LaSalle community to work extensively on the school's infrastructure. The provincial brother of that time, Jorge Molina, developed in 2006 the architectural structural reinforcement plan, seeking to make the physical plant a safe space for the educational community, according to the new needs and academic projects. The theater was remodeled and the systems room was upgraded.

In 2007, parents and the community in general, seeing the openness that occurred with the implementation of the kindergarten level years ago, requested to link sisters, cousins and other known students to integrate the big family. That is why a new challenge began: to carry out the pertinent consultations on the importance of linking girls to Lhemi, for which a thorough and investigative study was carried out on the advantages and disadvantages of entering the institution.

Finally, in 2008, the project of coeducation in differentiated classrooms began, from which a kindergarten level was opened for girls (with 28 female students) and two kindergarten levels for boys (with 20 students, each one), a situation that represented the opportunity to generate great changes and transformations in Lhemi, thanks to the female presence that began to integrate the great Lyceum family.

Between 2008 and 2009, two major changes were generated: coeducation and the single day, these areas were major challenges, which would be addressed by the Br. Arcadio Bolívar who was principal of the institution from 2009 to 2016.

This situation implied an institutional transformation at the level of infrastructure, logistics, pedagogy and regulations, for which it is possible to define this moment as a stage of change that extends to the present. These first two projects marked the route for the implementation of new initiatives such as intensive English and bilingualism, in the same way the pastoral and university agreements were strengthened, ISO 9001 certification was achieved, the consolidation of a higher level in the tests of State Knowledge for the eleventh grade and constant progress in the synthetic quality index, as a result of the continuous improvement in the academic level in the tests known to the students of the third, fifth and ninth grades.

One of the first changes of the institution occurred with the implementation of the single day. Unlike the areas mentioned above, this change was, at a large extent, motivated by external factors. The implementation of the single school day, according to Decree 1850 of 2002, is understood as: "The daily time that the educational establishment dedicates to its students in the direct provision of the public educational service, in accordance with current regulations on the academic calendar and with the curriculum "(Ministry of National Education, 2002, p.1). This day was preceded by the legal changes made by the MEN, through the aforementioned decree, which regulates the organization of the school day and the working hours of teachers and school principals.
For the implementation of this day, different conjunctural situations that were generated between the end of 2008 and 2010 were taken into account, among them, the construction of new classrooms and the adaptation of spaces with which the school already had. In that sense, it was necessary to hire the company Aldimark and restructure the space in which today is the restaurant, which until 2008 worked as a cafeteria; In turn, certain spaces were relocated, including the reception, which at that time was located in what is now known as the Academic Secretariat, and the convention rooms (near rectory), which used to be offices.

With the arrival of Brother Arcadio Bolívar as principal, the projects mentioned above were given, which sought to provide sufficient tools to respond to the needs of the population, their expectations and interests. In this way in 2010, the curriculum was modified and the intensive English program started, which consisted in increasing the amount of English-language teaching hours; thus, it went from dictating 3 hours of English weekly in 2009, to 7 hours in 2010. The objective of this new process was to improve the results in the English area of state tests and respond to the need to teach for life and not just for the academy.

For this reason, Lhemi implemented its bilingualism program, based on the National Program of Bilingualism (PNB Colombia 2004-2019), now called the Program for Strengthening the Development of Competences in Foreign Languages -PFDCLE by Usma (Congress of the Republic of Colombia , 2013). This deals with the development of communication skills to read, understand, write, listen, speak and express themselves correctly in a foreign language.

In 2013, the articulation between the content and language objectives of the English subjects and Science began to create a working methodology so that the revision of the curricular meshes could be carried out; also the implementation of the platform Raz-kids began to have audiovisual resources in the classroom and extracurricular support at home. With this platform the elements of Learning A-Z and Science A-Z were worked and in the case of preschool level and first grade, Headsproud. The Lhemi International Languages Day was held and a joint planning model was implemented, as well as project work and a reading plan articulated with Raz-kids.

In 2014, new challenges arrived as bilingual education progressed, one of those was the Talent Show, which was carried out by kindergarten and first grade students, with the aim of closing the academic year and showing the advances of the students in the use of the second language. In addition to these results in different English classes, the simulations of international standardized tests started in first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth and tenth grades.

When 2015 arrived, certain events in the area were institutionalized, proposing to improve the level of language, among which stand out: the Talent Show, the Spelling Bee and the International Languages Day. It is important to emphasize that latter a small Talent Show was made with the students of higher grades to show their talents, and one of the winners was presented at the preschool event. The winners of the Spelling Bee were the representatives of Lhemi in the contest in which different schools of the Lasallian district of Bogotá participated, held at LaSalle school of 170.

The years 2016 and 2017 served the Lhemi to consolidate their projects, implement the coordination of bilingualism, curricular articulation, teacher training and the SIOP model. All these changes that have occurred in recent years make the now a very promising present, full of new perspectives and future challenges.

Regarding university projects, they have become one of the main educational services offered within the first division (ninth, tenth and eleventh grades). This inter-institutional alliance represents opportunities for high school families, insofar as it facilitates and guides the process of access to university higher education. Similarly, it has served as the basis for the generation of training spaces and the updating of teachers in terms of recent educational practices. Currently, the agreements with Externado University of Colombia, University Institution Konrad Lorenz, Piloto University of Colombia, San Buenaventura University, Sergio Arboleda University, University of La Sabana, LaSalle University, Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, Santo Tomás University, University Foundation of Health Sciences (FUCS) and the Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito are maintained.

Achievements and recognitions

In this sense it is also pertinent to mention another series of achievements typical of the period, the result of academic growth and institutional maturity. Among them we find: the teaching of French in the ninth, tenth and eleventh grades; the advances in the evaluation system; the implementation of adjustments according to the levels of student performance; the establishment of agreements for immersion courses at the University of Mississippi; the agreement with the Presencia Foundation, representative of Deliberating In a Democracy in the Americas, with the "Deliberative Democracy" program (2011-2012); and EFQM certification for excellence, a powerful instrument of change for institutional development, planned, focused on people, that guides the organization along the path of quality to achieve excellence in all its institutional components, through the Self-evaluation as a systematic procedure for continuous improvement of management (Brother Miguel LaSalle, 2011).

Another characteristic feature of the time is related to the implementation of the gymnastic magazine in 2011, thought as a space to consolidate Lasallian identity in students, through a group activity that massively involves the community, families, students of the different divisions, coordinators, directors and administrative body. In the same way, this space was conceived as a strategy that aims at integral formation, training in values, body management and the development of psychomotor skills.

In recent years, the Lyceum has won major sports awards thanks to the talent of the students and the vocation and training of their teachers. In the case of volleyball, in 2012, Teacher Carlos Arturo Forero, current head of the area of Physical Education, coordinating extracurricular activities at the high school, considered it important to search for new sports and considered volleyball as an alternative . It adapted the training areas in the playground, motivated the students through the physical education class and, over the years, this discipline became one of the most practiced by the students, especially by the girls, such point that at present they have obtained great recognitions at collegial, district and national level.

In the case of athletics, Teacher Carlos García, in August 2016, selected students with great physical-athletic conditions and organized a competitive team with the objective of participating for the first time in the National Games of LaSalle, where they were champions in the modalities of 1,000, 1,500 and 5,000 meters, as well as in relay 4 x 100, both men and women.

Another relevant aspect to the development of skills in the school is the taste for the visual arts, because there has never been a lack of Lasallian school, the permanent call to the student, to admire everything that is beautiful and harmonious (Congregation of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, 1990). Within the changes made in recent years in the curriculum of the area of Art Education in both 2016 and 2017, the exhibition Lhemi Visual Arts Hall has been organized in the Museum of Graphic Arts of the National Printing, with works that the students have done in arts classes. It also highlights the participation of teachers through photographs and illustrations.

From 2017 Br. César Andrés Carvajal Castillo assumed the rectory of the institution. The celebration of the 50 years is highlighted, the development of the institutional horizon related to the 2016-2021 Strategic Plan of the Lasallian District of Bogotá and the constant reflection pertinent to the development of the PEI and the pedagogical model. To carry this out, the work in the strengthening of the bilingualism project, the modifications in the infrastructure and the investigative exercise of both students and teachers is highlighted.

Text taken from "Liceo Hermano Miguel La Salle: 50 years, thousands of voices" prepared by the Social Sciences Area (2017) for the 50th anniversary of the institution.

Liceo Hermano Miguel