Spanish language

area members

  • Transición – Yuli Marcela Romero Huertas
  • Primero – 
  • Segundo – 
  • Tercero – 
  • Cuarto – 
  • Quinto – 
  • Sexto – 
  • Séptimo – 
  • Octavo – 
  • Noveno – 
  • Décimo – 
  • Undécimo – 

area description

The Spanish language department contributes to the strengthening of the mission of the Lasallian community and schools network through the development of the communicative competence and the language skills in students. We want the students to use the languages ​​in the real communication contexts (which implies perceiving, observing, identifying and understanding) applying the communication structures and the specificity of the literary text, to interact from their worldview in which they evidence their critical sense, artistic appreciation and the ethics of communication.

Liceo Hermano Miguel