Natural Sciences

area members


  • Ana María Sotelo
  • Ana María Mora
  • Claudia Muñoz Bello
  • Luz Marina Sanabria

area description

The ​​natural sciences department is focused on contributing to the integral formation of the person through the execution of activities related to science that allow the development of a scientific thinking, the construction of an integral theory of the world, the understanding and analysis of the different biological, chemical and physical phenomena of the environment, as well as the formation of a reflective awareness of the value of life, social justice and the sustainable development of the country.


The Natural Sciences department leads the ESP (Environmental School Project) or PRAE (acronym in Spanish), which aims to raise awareness in the educational community of the School towards the care and conservation of the environment through the separation of solid waste at the source. For 2018 the department of ​​Natural Sciences was linked to the project ONDAS led by Colciencias in which it is intended to encourage scientific research in school-age children, it is noteworthy that the Liceo Hermano Miguel Lasalle is the only private institution participating in This project, which has a great impact at a national level due to the motivation that it generates towards research.

Liceo Hermano Miguel