The objective of the University Immersion program at Lhemi is: To generate strategies to mediate the vocational and professional exploration in decision making for the life project of our eleventh-grade students.

In this context, our school works the vocational culture as a solution for the need of our students for being provided with the information necessary for their proper insertion in the professional world in a globalized society.

Here in the school, vocational culture is lived from an early age, it is accompanied by the task of psychologists and psycho-pedagogues who lead the students towards the development of their abilities, talents, and fulfillment of dreams.

Orientation is understood as the process of continuous help that is given to students, so that they have a better knowledge of themselves, in order to enhance the individual and social development of their abilities and the possibilities in the environment in which they are placed.


According to the provisions of Article 18 of the School Assessment System, the eleventh-grade students may participate in university agreements at the end of the first semester, subject to compliance with the following requirements:

  1. To take and pass all the subjects of the curriculum prior to the meeting of the University Agreements Commission.
  2. Comply with the principles and rules of the school handbook.
  3. Carry out the process of accompaniment and student and family guidance.
  4. Obtain the endorsement of the Evaluation and Promotion Commission of the grade.
  5. Be free and clear at any concept with the Institution.
  6. Accept the terms of the agreement by the part of the parents and/or legal representatives in the document of commitment of the university agreements.

The following stages are addressed in the vocational and professional orientation exercise:


Liceo Hermano Miguel